iConcepts™ has focused on building and supporting technology solutions that turn data into information. Through its core strengths in data acquisition, data science, machine learning and information distribution, coupled with strong software development capabilities, iConcepts™ is uniquely qualified to provide cost-effective technology solutions.

Always on the Edge of the new Technologies...
Have you ever thought, what makes the top rated websites look sooooo amazing!?!?
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iOS and Android Native Application Deveopment.
Yes, the future is here! Hundreds of Smartphones and Tablets are hitting the Market every year. We at iConcepts™ did our home work and now can fulfill your requests for developing sophisticated Native mobile Applications.
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Social Media Integration
Using the power of Social Media , now the Companies can benefit from easier access to many more potential Clients than the regular Media can reach.
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Wallie - iPhone and Android Native Apps
Native applications give the user, the power to utilize many of the Device's built-in accessories. Using the GPS positioning or communicating the device contact list are just to name a few...
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Omni Focus Plus
OmniFocus Plus™ combines the ability to search pre-selected web sites for user-selected information; the ability to quickly and easily browse and search the retrieved information; and the ability to easily distribute the information in a searchable archive via CD or DVD.
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OIC Tax Planner
The OIC Tax Planner is interactive desktop software for the seasoned tax pro, downloaded to your computer, that provides the required forms, help and publications on all IRS collections issues. All bundled together in a fill-in-the-form program that allows you to enter...
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